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Please join a team!

These are the current tasks that teams are working on.  More will follow.
We want YOUR contributions to makes some real changes at work.

Work/Life Balance Action Team

We will consider how might we create a workplace that values balance in our lives,
so we are productive and satisfied at work and at home.

Current Task: Each office will create an individualized plan to promote a culture of flexibility to align with its roles and will not be disruptive to its core functions.
Measurable Desired Outcome: Staff feel more empowered over their ability to balance personal and professional commitments.

Join the Work/Life Action Team

Psychological Safety, Empowerment, and Autonomy Action Team

We will consider how might we make staff feel comfortable and safe in the workplace.

Current Task: Establish values, expectations, and accountability standards and processes to address both the historical tolerance for bad behaviors, and the hierarchical structure of Northwestern | RESEARCH.

Measurable Desired Outcome: Create written Northwestern | RESEARCH values and accountability standards for all staff.

Join the Psychological Safety/Empowerment and Autonomy Action Team

Work Processes Action Team

We will consider how might staff be able to break through bureaucracy to get our work done. 

Current Task: Build standard Northwestern | RESEARCH procedures for process improvements: getting a decision and documenting it. 

Measurable Desired Outcome:  Develop a process improvement framework that is clear, easy to use, and provides leadership with the necessary information for decision-making.

Join the Work Processes Team