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Key Findings and Tasks

Key Findings

High Tolerance for Poor Behaviors and Lack of Accountability

  • High performers given free rein to behave badly
  • Prioritization of personal relationships over fairness
  • Immaturity of people involved
  • Confrontation avoidance
  • Lack of tools/training on best practices
  • Process to work through issues is secretive, options for resolution are extreme (i.e. termination) so barrier to report is high and perception is that little will change

Lack of System or Requirements to Ensure Training of Management and Staff

There is no training* process that is accountable, transparent and that processes for employees that are in line with Northwestern’s stated goals of:

  • Fairness
  • Inclusion
  • Collegiality
  • Personal growth

*Types of training include: onboarding, management transition, ongoing

Issues with the Hierarchical Structure of Office for Research

  • Hierarchical organization has been shown to negatively impact psychological safety
  • Inhibits speaking up  and speaking out regarding concerns or in sharing new ideas


Action Item #1

Action Item #2

Action Item #3

Establish values, expectations, and accountability standards and processes to address (a) a historical tolerance for bad behaviors within and outside OR, and (b) the hierarchical structure in OR. Create a robust, regularly updated, and universally applicable training and skills curriculum and program to address (a) tolerance for bad behavior within and outside OR; (b) the hierarchical structure in OR; and (c) lack of adequate training. Establish a comprehensive hiring and recruitment process with strict accountability to address (a) tolerance for bad behavior within and outside OR; (b) the hierarchical structure in OR; and (c) lack of adequate training.
View the Office for Research Values
Resources for Value Conversations

Completed July 2020.

In process